As the Dust Settles

Being thankful to God for Donald Trump’s protection and well being this is as clear an encapsulation of the situation to date  even Dave Portnoy touched base in the comments section. Portnoy’s comment is mentioned  because three days later   he was  adrift with “No power, no radio, no anchor, no nothing”… and the […]

Two Historically Familiar Characters, Their Traits and the Organizations They Hooked Up With

You decide if the organizations they  identified with have much in common. First, a Hannah Arendt biography From  Arendt went to Jerusalem in 1961 as a court reporter for The New Yorker magazine. The idea was not The New Yorker’s but her own. She felt she simply had to attend the trial. She owed it to herself—as a […]

A Notice

Got this in a morning email and while I take Mercola with about a tablespoon of salt, I was glad I continued on to the bioethics part of the story that introduced Parker Crutchfield. Crutchfield is quite the model of the tyrannical controllers of the planned future; a future that has been, until recently in […]

Truth Will Shout

February 25, 2022  In the early hours Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale military assault on Ukraine, inciting a wave of international backlash and sanctions against Russia. “Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences,” President Joe Biden said. Some on social media claimed the United […]

Updated: If Your Going to Read It, Read It Like You’re FBI

seeking right-wing white supremists. 2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. The […]

Report Retort

A recent article originating from Business Insider was, I thought, such a wonderful example of domination by communication I am posting it here thinking it might make an interesting study in authoritarian abuse. The basic premise of the article, fear and frustration being felt by Americans, started off with a reference to William […]


          If you think we’re suddenly going to hell in a hand basket, you’re half right. There’s just nothing sudden about it. Getting a different perspective on the subject is the reason for this message. American history is redundant with accounts of citizens whose origins were closer to the gutter than […]