Stop with the dumbass role, America.

You’ve been warned about the invasion for decades by conservative patriotic citizens who from the start were  targeted by the ruling class.

In response to citizen protest, our leaders rolled out their campaign of malice signaling to progressive based  organizations their approval of the use of lies and lawfare  to counter the Constitutional based protest and threat to the success of  globalist’s plans.

By calling  those everyday Americans racist xenophobes and repeatedly distorting  the activities on the border and throughout our Nation by UNrelentlessly identifying good as bad and bad good, the globalists launched attacks provided the soulless herd more than enough reason to follow Obama into the democrat HOPE tent to experience that fundamental chainge he promised. After the red/blue pill concept was established and swallowed we were moved on to contemplate more pleasant scenarios and now we’re being spoon fed gangs are coming to the rescue?

“There’s been a lot going on with (the migrant gangs) that nobody’s even hearing about,” Zacc Massie, a local Chicago gang member, told the New York Post. “They be moving in our own territory and robbing people but they don’t get arrested like we do. I actually talked to one on the translator app. He told me all the things he got going on; how they helped him get a car, an apartment, (EBT) card, all this stuff. They giving them thousands, we get maybe $400 a month. And they don’t even have Social Security numbers!”

Oh my. I hope you’re not swallowing that shining knights outrage as an authentic display of his love of Country.

Venezuelan mobsters Tren de Aragua may have finally met their match in Southside Chicago gangs amid fears the city could go up in flames if they go to war.

..Muhammad, who served 20 years in state prison for murder, says the native gangs – like the Gangster Disciples, Black P Stones, the Vice Lords, Latin Kings and Satan Disciples – may take up arms against TdA… 

When was the last time you read a press release from a gang leader?

Finally finds challenger.

Let me tell you something, stories containing phrases like ‘finally finds challenger’ require a squinty eyed read followed by a dig down into any memories of your American heritage you might have, even if you have to go as far back as your great-great-grandfather to hit pay dirt causing you to fully accept the fact we’ve been lied to throughout the Twentieth century by those lying bastards now looking to cash US in this Century using the democrat criminal organization as their ride to the bank. You’re not  thinking there’s still room for you, are you?“

In Arizona, a group calling itself the Minuteman Project has stationed
scores of men and women along the Mexican border in a controversial
effort to track down undocumented immigrants. The Minutmen take their
name from a militia group during the American Revolutionary War. The
group’s founder, James Gilchrist, says the project [since Oct. 1, 2004] has attracted some 450 volunteers from around the country…

Organizers call their effort a
peaceful protest over the government’s failure to secure its borders.
Both the Mexican government and the Bush administration have described
them, the Minutemen, as vigilantes. Meanwhile, the American Civil
Liberties Union has sent observers to keep tabs on the Minutemen to
ensure they don’t take the law into their own hands.”

Twenty years later…

We’re still being invaded and mostly everybody (except that not so suddenly increasing number of inhabitants of towns the federal government targets) really don’t give a rats ass. Until something about the invaders changed starting in Aurora, CO when the Venezuelans start taking over.

Somebody mentioned somewhere that Venezuelans have refugee status but as reported by USCIS, that temporary refugee status ended March 10, 2024.

Then, Venezuelans started acting up in Texas. The link is dailymail so you can ignore the panicked pearl clutching you will find there and stick to the hard facts in the story  like they moved their headquarters closer to US.

The next national story about Tren de Aragua, as referenced above, came out of Chicago and that’s where this story starts.

About ten years ago I read about the tri-border area in South America was a cornucopia of criminal activity. Consider this a start from  a primary source.

Based on open sources, this assessment has made extensive use of books, journal articles, and other reports available in the U.S. Library of Congress collections. Islamic terrorist groups — including Egypt’s Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) and Al-Jihad (Islamic Jihad), al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizballah, and al-Mugawamah (pro-Iran wing of the Lebanon-based Hizballah) — have used the TBA for fund-raising, drug trafficking, money laundering, plotting, and other activities in support of their organizations… 

I hope that caught your interest because there is more there you should read. is a 2015 follow up to the OJP assessment.

To give you an idea of how far things did not go as we were led to believe they would during the Bush Patriot Act era here in the “Homeland”, We the People were included in the targeted enforcement area; after Obama signed the Freedom Act, which was touted as an improvement to the Patriot Act, his eight years turned out to be a period of  setting up organizations to efficiently get illegals resettled in our Country. Here is a  comparison of

To make it perfectly clear to you, the reader, this invasion is not a political conspiracy  against US. The publicly shared information from and their link to their global partner found at the bottom of the foundation’s page make their intentions sound preordained if not a done deal, no announcement necessary.

This  is where they are taking US and it looks as if, this is the road we’re being put on

Mis-information or dis-information? They can call it what they want, it will still be viewed as an attack on the First amendment and if those mis/dis arguments are used but not pursued by the government the story will still do damage to our National psyche, an acceptable target for the global elite.

The following information is meant as an additional parameter to include in the examination of the known methods Iranian leaders have already employed in their efforts to damage their enemies and influence their targets.

Other less widely recognized but more flexible strategies used that  coincides with actions taken by the more powerful globalist force mentioned above whose plans include  controlling the world, rearranging it into a lesser populated, more tightly controlled zoo, and according to their recent press release will have an official religion. Quite a carrot to dangle in front of organizations with memberships in the millions for what is likely only intended to be an ephemeral fit.

To be continued.



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