The List: Another Shocking Reminder of How Evil Democrats Are

Four Years ago you read here  how evil democrats are. 

Yesterday  Donald Trump showed how scared they are.

It is time to face facts even for those who refuse to recognize the truth of the democrat party’s role in the transformation of the United States by the satanic controlled globalist forces. At this point our only, our greatest weapon is prayer and while  the time to engage that weapon was long ago before we were driven to this point, we as believers in God and the Constitution are being pushed to the wall and our backs are close to it.

Many Christians have been calling US out to prayer for a long time and many people have been responsive to that call but we are still approaching this reset the globalist’s preach to US about. The reset has many UNexplained targets. The most important subliminal one is meant to reduce our Faith, our Country, our way of Life even further than we have allowed them to do so far.

Their mission is to transform US into the third world they talk about when they model the poor, the needy, the victims of the exploitation machine they, the globalists, have created; using vaccines instead of sanitary facilities , GMO foods instead of God’s natural nutritious version, cooperative local warlords  instead of honest government models, the crooked U.N. instead of  native people in control of their situation all these foundations want to contribute your money to to keep that same old same old operation they own a piece of in place.

It’s an ugly picture and if you can’t see that’s the road we’re being led down  you are already on the path the democrats are carving out for us. This election  might be our last chance to right things for US in a peaceful manner. Start praying.

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