Emergency Is Not An Emergency If It Can Generate Tax Spending

From https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/31/political-insider-amash-trump-emergency/2721580002/

“An ’emergency’ does not elicit endless debate without consensus, nor is it addressed with a plan requiring years to execute,” Amash tweeted.
“A house is burning, a ship is sinking, a city is flooding — these are considered emergencies precisely because everyone agrees they require immediate action.”

It has been the political class, the controllers, responding to their contributors, who do not agree immediate action is required. Our nation is indeed a burning house, a sinking ship and what was once known as the shining city on the hill is now flooding it’s streets with spent, wasted lives. It is in so many ways an emergency that only a liar or a fool can ignore the danger we are facing.

Mr. Amash, trained in law, claims to rule according to the Constitution and yet he ignores Article 4 Section 4. Mr. Amash also claims he is a fiscal conservative. Perhaps the concern he feels over the spending needed to improve our nations security would be eased somewhat if he compares that cost to the fiscal distribution analysis of households headed by unlawful immigrants: individuals who reside in the U.S. in violation of federal law.


Or read the much shorter https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-06/cost-illegal-immigration

Or if he just openly acknowledges he cares less for the safety and security of American citizens than he does for the invaders.

One thought on “Emergency Is Not An Emergency If It Can Generate Tax Spending”

  1. It’s one thing to vote on the right side of our country’s survival and be beaten by the Globalists in Congress. It is quite another thing to declare no crisis or emergency exists on the southern border. Justin and his first generation immigrant ways show his true colors: No Borders/No Country/Kumbaya to a constant flow of people to be abused! Very little difference between him and Nancy’s Gang except on Baby Murdering, which will never be resolved politically.

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