I Had A Dream



Yesterday, Tuesday, 11/12/24 just before I woke up.

It was a full mind screen picture of the flag with a 5 where the stars would be and the five looked just like the one pictured below. The one difference is, in the dream, the blue field was in the right corner.

I have no graphic abilities to speak of and still don’t  know how this website came together years ago; that I was able to get the flag on this page at all was no mean feat and I consider it an accomplishment beyond all that I hoped for and that ain’t the all of it.

Before I thought about posting the flag dream, I started looking into occultic or hidden meanings for the number 5. I’m curious and besides, the 5 wasn’t just any 5. What you see is how it looked in the dream; and I searched through half the Apple fonts this mac provides before I recognized the Luminari model.  Luminari; sounds like it’s right out of Godfather 3.

The personal applications to the various interpretations weren’t considered. With the 5 being front and centered on Old Glory I immediately defaulted to applying the various interpretations, which mostly were positive, to the national level.

The number 5 symbolizes risks are involved but recognizing them leads to mitigating them.

While the number5 signifies freedom and change with adventure thrown in, staying positive in a period of adversity requires a non-wavering trust in God.

Meanwhile, the5 influence continued this morning when I picked up my bible and it opened to Mathew 5, the account of Jesus teaching the Beatitudes to the multitude.

If the US government under Trump embraced the Beatitudes as a basis for our new foreign policy, I think President Trump could be recognized as the  one political leader who walked his campaign talk and stayed on the high road,  avoiding the shadows of uncertainty cast by promises and allegations unfulfilled and forgotten, the same promises and allegations those who believe in him and came out by the millions in support of him have recognized and long expected relief from presidents past but instead were disappointed year after year, decade after decade.

There’s not much wick left in this Country; probably less throughout Western civilization. I pray that 5 is a solid message of encouragement from  the One, True and interested God.


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