the Slovakian government takes steps to ban mRNA assaults and Australians climb aboard.
Next, the Globalist First team rebuttal…
Mar 11, 2021 … … COVID–19 Vaccine Education Initiative. Last fall, The Rockefeller Foundation joined the COVID Collaborative, a non-partisan group of the …
if you click on that first response on the search page using the search term included above you’ll be reading from
their misleading but transparent statement “We’re a pioneering philanthropy that promotes the well-being of humanity by finding new solutions, building unlikely partnerships, and taking a business-like approach to deliver results for Americans and people around the world” contains not a mention of their supporting lap dog political tools mentioned in the search response.
They did, however, provide a roadmap to their version of the Next Normal
Excellent that the Fog is finally lifting after so much Death and Despair here in America and around the world… Now the “Critics” are finally allowed to be heard … just in time for the next Planned Scamarama from WHO/CDC or from the Warmongers, whatever floats your Depopulation boat.
Thinking back to the early days of 2020, listening to Fauci lie to the world one more time, many of us were trying to warn people not to get sucked into the Covid BS Playbook. We were met with unparalleled coordinated censorship, hostility, character assassination, loss of livelihood for the Employed Resisters and threats of prison for the Whistleblowers doctors who were just trying to help their patients, not kill them. They seemed to be few and far between. This misplaced trust resulted in 1.8 million “extra” deaths in America from Mar2020 to May2023, compared with the same 39 months from 2016-2019. Only about 55% of these “extra” deaths had the Covid code as “primary” cause. Many young people died prematurely and unexpectedly because they believed the Jabs would help them save “Grandma” or it was a condition of participation in sports or worse, mandated by their employer. Loss of hope resulting in a drug overdose and suicides can be documented in the CDC mortality data. People all of a sudden had “turbo” cancers and were dead quickly after diagnosis. The Rockefeller/Medical Mafia Doctors of the World remain baffled.