Manipulating Weather and Stealing American Minds

Jerry Ross characterization has moved on to debunking hurricane Milton 

I liked it so much I used it again

This Miami weather person has not yet learned the truth and he’s so upset by global warming he’s brought to tears.

I wonder what his reaction will be when he see’s  some really weird causes.

The weirdness begins to be discussed and then shown at about 3:33

Oh, that Lithium mine angle? It doesn’t make a lot of sense if there is such a glut of it…



Idaho Governor Little Has a History

Idaho citizens  are fortunate they have such a man leading them


In September of 2021, he joined half of the nation’s governors in issuing a joint letter to President Joe Biden requesting a meeting within 15 days to discuss the crisis at the southern border. The invitation for the President to listen had followed another request they sent earlier that year, which also went unanswered.

..In May of 2023, Governor Little announced the deployment of two teams of Idaho State Police troopers to the Texas border to assist in their efforts to secure the border and enhance the knowledge of our law enforcement techniques through hands-on experience with cross-border smuggling, human trafficking, and drug interdiction. The teams then returned to Idaho to train other law enforcement agencies within the state. This fulfills Governor Little’s commitment made in his State of the State and Budget Address that year

…In 2024, Governor Little announced in his State of the State and Budget Address that he would send another two teams of state troopers to Texas, focusing on assisting with and learning about tactics to deter human trafficking. He also signed on to a 25-Governor statement supporting the State of Texas’ efforts to defend and protect America from the consequences of the open border…

I’m thankful to learn about the actions taken by Governor Little and the twenty-five other Governors working with him doing what they can to defend US from the criminal democrats. The democrat’s cold-hearted dis-interest in the resulting death and destruction following hurricane Helena should be reason enough to haul them in front of a judge in a criminal court; hearing that 26 Governors are actively supporting the American people is very heartening and I felt it should be shared along with this news I recently received We have a lot of catching up to do and we’re not going to get a handle on controlling the criminal attacks on our health and well being if there are any democrats still in office after this election.

Twenty six Republican governors puts more than half this country in opposition to the criminal democrats. That’s a good head start for a November takedown.

What good are democrats anyway?