Four Day Old Kamala News I Just Read


Imagine the coverage if the Trump team did this… 

But among those who support Trump how many of them  ever considered that kind of abuse would happen under his watch?

Abuse such as displayed there in Pittsfield, Massachusetts is such an alien concept to Trump supporters that if any of his team pulled a trick like that, and it couldn’t have happened unless someone with some authority approved,  it would surely be viewed with more trepidation by his followers than  the news about the lax security caused them following the assassination attempt at Butler, PA.

Because that’s the way Trump’s supporters are, Americans balanced by belief in God and the Constitution and a deep dislike of being bullied into an existence led by democrats who provide no evidence they honor God or Country. Their conduct in Pittsfield was evidence enough they do not honor nor respect the citizenry.

Trump supporters are not like the haters who hate harmony, neither are they dreamers of national discord,  nor are they like the rude seeking reason to riot.

It is my understanding Trump Americans will not support anyone or any party whose beliefs do not challenge those ideals the Progressive’s hold close to their cold hearts and shackled minds.

Beliefs in issues such as abortion, open borders, and weaponizing diversity or any other circumstance or contingency they can manipulate to their benefit since all are schemes as noxious as that arrogant display of power in Massachusettes by the Harris team.  Once again, they took the Jesuit rule of ‘the means justify the end’ beyond the norm, as if that phrase could be said to have a norm.

As any Trump supporter knows, the abuse of power such as the Progressive’s seek is limited by the U.S. Constitution; that being ordained and established to, among other comforts, establish Justice and promote the general Welfare.

So which candidate do you feel most threatened by? The one that allegedly denied the Constitution or the one that pretends the Constitution does not exist?

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