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No, it’s code talk. Learn what Kamala means when she speaks what sounds like gibberish to US.


Kamala Harris and Marxist chants misunderstood as toxic word salad


One of the viral videos of Harris is a chant she does about becoming and being and so on. It is likely it is a lot more sinister than mere cackling idiocy, which she would have the uninitiated believe. Her father was an Ivy league Marxist prof. She cannot, not know this material, and she cannot have achieved her political heights by sleeping her way to the top. I know of far, far better looking women that couldn’t even sleep their way to the middle and with greater effort. She got where she is because she is part of a Marxist cabal that are central to organizations in Washington and elsewhere.

Cut to the the chase at but to get the bigger picture click on the title in big block letters above.

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