Days of Deception Are Here

Last month I posted   Now They Are Three that closed with these paragraphs…

These might be the days of coincidence but earlier tonight I learned at the RBF president is talking change

It might not be the dark possibility I suggested above but this unsigned advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office was what prompted my plan to write about Public Health and it sure sounds like they’d like to take care of their gun concerns before they move on to changing

the core logic underlying global affairs—rooted in the earliest international treaties and enshrined in the U.N. Charter—and finds them insufficient to address today’s unprecedented convergence of political, economic, social, technological, and environmental forces. He then offers a reimagined framework for international relations based on the equitable distribution of power and the primacy of global common interests in peace and security, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability. 

This morning Susan forwarded a very recent Meryl Nass substack message that is, in our opinion, directly related to last month’s RBF president’s ‘it’s time to shift the paradigm’ message that you can read in steps of acclimation at:

What Nass was alerting her readers to was the and the enslavement it introduces ‘for the betterment of mankind’. There is nothing Constitutional about it. They’re not talking about a representative government, they’re all about dictating order. Please do not take my word for it read all about it at

That the invitation is dated July 17, 2024 four days into one of the most tumultuous times in our Nations history does not indicate pleasant thoughts for the well-being of humanity are built in to their plans. I am advising you to consider their use and the power of distraction…

and Jesus’ warning recorded about 2000 years ago… particularly verse  24.

The best we can do at this point is let the politicians know we know and (UNless you are ok with it) we are still a Republic, we are happy we’re still a Republic and we intend to stay a Republic with our representation  built into it with the Representatives within reach, not thousands of miles away

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