Give It Some Thought

Independence Weekend news continues with this sparkler from the National Archives…


The Mattachine Society (initially called the Mattachine Foundation) began as a secret organization in Los Angeles in 1950, with their first Statement of Purpose drawn up in 1951. The group was founded by Communist organizer Harry Hay and other leftists including Bob Hull, Chuck Rowland, Dale Jennings, Konrad Stevens, James Gruber and Rudi Gernreich (Jewish Refugee). The Mattachine founders borrowed the initial structure of the organization from the Communist Party, and the leadership, the “fifth order” was anonymous, so members didn’t even know their names. The Mattachine Society went on to become one of several prominent groups organizing during the period of LGBTQ+ activism referred to as the Homophile Movement, with chapters opening up in a number of states. The Mattachine Society began publishing The Mattachine Review in 1955. Regional organizations also published their own periodicals and newsletters.

Around 1957, the National Mattachine Society moved their headquarters from Los Angeles to San Francisco. In a 1957 letter from the Mattachine Board of Directors, they informed the local chapters that the board had voted 5-2 in favor of revoking all area council charters and “getting out of the branch office business.” The letter went on to encourage the local Mattachine branches to continue working autonomously, which many did.  The San Francisco Mattachine went on until 1967.


From           … By Stacey Flores Chandler, Reference Archivist

In 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an Executive Order that changed the course of American history – and not just in the way the government planned. E.O. 10450 made “dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct” – including so-called “sexual perversion” – grounds for firing any federal government employee. The order opened the door for agencies and the military to find, fire, and even publicly out suspected “homosexuals” in what’s now called the Lavender Scare. is available for reading. Determine for yourself if such  grounds for firing a federal employee would lead to anything but a more reliable, normal and efficient workforce with a built-in awareness (morals) of what is necessary for contributing to and living in a safe and pleasant society.


…The mission of the Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C. is to conduct original archival research and educational outreach that focuses on gay and lesbian legal, political, and policy history—often hidden, locked away or destroyed.  Our sources range from the Library of Congress to the National Archives and Records Administration; Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to federal agencies; litigation; Presidential archives and libraries; and university libraries.

The original Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C. was the first gay civil rights organization in Washington, D.C. Co-founded by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny and Jack Nichols in 1961, the organization conducted the first gay rights protests at the White House, the United States Civil Service Commission, and the Pentagon…

Charles Francis, President

..began his career in public affairs as a speechwriter and public relations officer at The Chase Manhattan Bank in New York where he worked as a speechwriter and media relations spokesman for the bank and Chase Chairman David Rockefeller. Over the course of his career, Francis served as a consultant to individuals such as Clark Clifford and New York labor mediator Theodore Kheel and for companies including Federal Express, Citicorp and, for twenty years, the Public Affairs Division of Exxon Corporation and ExxonMobil.  He founded the now-defunct Republican Unity Coalition with Senator Alan K. Simpson as Honorary Chairman, and with President Gerald Ford and David Rockefeller serving on the group’s Advisory Board…  


.. In 1965, he organized one of first gay rights protests – a picket line in front of the White House – four years before the Stonewall rebellion. He filed countless lawsuits on behalf of federal workers who were fired because they were gay, eventually winning two decisions that would force the government to change its hiring policies


Whereas earlier homophile activists emphasized respectability, middle-class values, civil rights, and the integration of gay people into existing social institutions, the philosophy and practice of gay liberation centered on broad social transformation, visibility, redistribution of resources, and dismantling norms of sexuality. As Ellen Broidy, a member of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), explained: “We didn’t want a piece of the pie. We wanted to reconstruct the whole damn bakery.”

And then some.

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