Stealing Birthday Gifts

Maybe I’m sensitive about gifts that get stolen or go missing or get broken before I had the opportunity to break them or wear them out because that’s what used to happen sometimes in my family, my big family. Somebody would get a birthday present or a Christmas present and one or another of us would on occasion, when the gifted one was absent or otherwise engaged elsewhere, one of us might borrow it to incorporate it into a short term distraction. The object of desire didn’t necessarily end up broken or missing every time but sometimes things happen. And then at other times, things purposely happen.

Like one Christmas, our grandmother made it a musical Christmas. She gave most of us semi-real instruments of music. Somebody got a plastic trumpet. It had to be made with good plastic because if you followed the instructions in the book you clipped onto the horn you heard a tune. If you practiced you could recognize it. I think another brother got a clarinet of the same vintage plastic as the trumpet. I got a hard cardboard or thin plywood version of a violin. It had no instruction book but fortunately my mother knew something about violins and showed me how to play a tune on it. I was mesmerized by it. I played it whenever I had a chance and at eight or nine years old during Christmas vacation chance was always there. I played that tune a lot. I didn’t realize it bothered my younger sister until I learned she cut the bow strings. It might even have been a case of her and my brothers, drawing straws for the job. I was pissed. But I got over it.

Awhile back it occurred to me that Independence Day hasn’t been the same as it used to be back in the 50’s and 60’s because it’s being stolen from US; and worse, we’ve been getting over it.

I’ve posted visual accounts of the measures post-WWII Germans, trapped behind the Berlin Wall, were willing to take to escape communist totalitaria  but this Independence Day gift also offers a stark contrast of life in East Germany after the war while living under communist tyrants compared to the life lived in the West.

As I remember the US of the fifties it was populated by a majority of people whose respect for life was based on respect for God and family, friends and neighbors many of them thankful their prayers during the war for the safe return of loved ones from the theaters of war were answered. Very few wore their religious belief on their sleeve, but people did go to church back then with purpose.

That post war video  also stands as a model for those of us who have fallen for the Rockefeller led American oligarchs plan to socialize US right into slavery.

This magazine account tells of the active role the Rockefellers played in the Bay of Pigs fiasco with Democrat support.

We must also  consider the impact Rockefellers had on The United States with their Social Science mind games that have turned US into a baby killing machine that opened the borders up for cheap sources of labor since our birth rate can no longer provide natural talent.


…After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person…

That was Respectfully submitted for the Commission, by John D. Rockefeller 3rd in 1972 to the President and Congress. Nixon resisted and two years later he was gone via Watergate. That’s my interpretation of the timing of historical collapse of the popular Nixon.

More recently we were told the Rockefellers, through their foundation, work to keep US healthy; yet millions of Americans were silently led to the grave because of the mRNA science they helped to develop.

My Independence Day message is if we are to protect the gift we were presented 248 years ago and continue to celebrate our Declaration of Independence every July 4th, we must resist the manipulative lies used against US to lead US into a world where we are subject to Oligarchic control through deceptive means based on their version of science and psy-ops.


Another core feature of transhumanism, advocated by almost all transhumanists, is a claimed continuity with Enlightenment rationalism and humanism. Transhumanism imports humanist values such as rationality, personal autonomy, and so on, claiming that the primary difference between transhumanism and traditional humanism is that the former is not limited to the traditional means employed by the latter to improve the human condition: “Humanism tends to rely exclusively on educational and cultural refinement to improve human nature whereas transhumanists want to apply technology to overcome limits imposed by our biological and genetic heritage” (More, 2013, 4).

It should be noted that today, even in the academic vernacular, the term “humanism” is typically used in a loose, historically ambiguous manner that blurs the line between humanism(s) and the Enlightenment.3 In this usage, the term is usually intended to refer nonspecifically to modern secular humanism, with an implied emphasis on the continuity between this movement and earlier “humanisms,” in particular, Renaissance humanism. This is how transhumanists, as well as those writing about them, typically use the term. For example, Max More writes that transhumanism “shares many elements of humanism, including a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life rather than in some supernatural ‘afterlife’” (More, 1990, 1), while Bostrom identifies “rational thinking, freedom, tolerance, democracy, and concern for our fellow human beings” (Bostrom, 2003, 4) as humanist values taken up by transhumanism…

I can’t see transhumanists partying over something they don’t understand. Their modern precursors don’t appear to value Independence Day now other than as an opportunity to dance in a parade.

Independence Days are numbered by transhumanists. Our days of independence has already been ended without God in our lives. How’s that “concern for our fellow human beings” working out for you? Only the promise of Jesus includes Liberty.  In all their blathering that leads to war after war, which Oligarch has promised deliverance to their captives? And what are we but captives in their web of lies? What kind of independence are we celebrating? How many Americans recognize we are being manipulated into independence from God by enlightened oligarchs?


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