Two Historically Familiar Characters, Their Traits and the Organizations They Hooked Up With

You decide if the organizations they  identified with have much in common.

First, a Hannah Arendt biography


Arendt went to Jerusalem in 1961 as a court reporter for The New Yorker magazine. The idea was not The New Yorker’s but her own. She felt she simply had to attend the trial. She owed it to herself—as a social critic, a displaced person, a witness, and a survivor. “I never saw these people,” she wrote to the Rockefeller Foundation, referring to such Nazi officials as Eichmann, “…and this is probably my only chance.” “To attend this trial is…an obligation I owe my past.” She was interested, as she put it, in understanding Eichmann’s mind (if he had one) and, through the testimonies at the trial, exploring “the totality of the moral collapse the Nazis caused in respectable European society.”

...She emphasized Eichmann’s moral and intellectual shallowness, his inner void…

..Eichmann’s inability to speak coherently in court was connected, she concluded, with his incapacity to think—that is to say, to think from another person’s point of view. His shallowness was by no means identical with stupidity. He personified neither hatred nor madness nor an insatiable thirst for blood, but something far worse, the faceless nature of Nazi evil itself, within its closed system aimed at dismantling the human personality of its victims. The Nazis had succeeded in turning the legal order on its head, making the wrong and the malevolent the foundation of a new “righteousness.” In the Third Reich evil had lost the distinctive characteristics by which most people had until then recognized it, i.e., as a “temptation.” It was redefined as a civil norm. Conventional goodness now became a mere temptation which most Germans, of course, were fast learning to resist. In this upside-down world Eichmann (one is tempted to say perhaps like Pol Pot four decades later) seemed not to have been conscious of having done evil, in our sense of that word. In matters of elementary morality, Arendt warned, what had been thought of as decent instincts were no longer to be taken for granted.


In Minute One of the presidential debate Thursday night, the Democratic  party and the entire class of mainstream media sycophants and pundits were exposed as conspirators in a “Big Lie” – the gaslighting of the American public that President Biden was not only mentally fit but better and wiser than ever for a second term when they knew that was false. 

Biden is not the target of this post, the Democrat party is. The comparison to the Nazi party is not coincidental, the National Socialist German Workers Party has already, as I recently learned, been recognized as a model the Democrats follow.

The difference is the Nazi’s invited their billionaires to the Party while post-WW II Democrats/Rinos  eventually turned their backs on the Constitution and climbed aboard the Rockefeller putsch train;  accounts are recorded here  and here  while evidence of their willingness to capitulate circulated in Congress since 1991 as documented on the bottom of page three at

At  is evidence based historic record of the American interest’s absorption and transformation of the German study of society after WW I into the “practical knowledge useful for the management and control of society” that came to be recognized as the “Americanization of the social sciences” that was seen as the “promise of order in a world of chaos” through science. Or so they said.

From The Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations: Cooperation in International Health

4). Annual reports of the administration of the Interchange of Public Health Personnel will be rendered to the Council and Assembly of the League of Nations, and copies of these reports will be forwarded regularly to the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation. Representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation will be kept closely and regularly informed of the activities of the interchange of public health personnel.

5). The Rockefeller Foundation agrees to pay an annual subvention to meet the expenses of the interchange of Public health Personnel, not to exceed 60,080 dollars a year for each of the three years 1922/1923, 1923/1924 and 1924/1925.

6). The Rockefeller Foundation agrees to pay the annual subvention in quarterly instalment, beginning October 1, 1922, directly to the Financial Director of the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

7). The Financial Director of the Secretariat of the League of Nations will administer the subvention paid by the Rockefeller Foundation as a separate Fund for the maintenance of the Interchange of Public Health personnel, to be known as the Interchange of Public Health Personnel Fund, and will make disbursements from this Fund at the direction of the Secretary General of the League of Nations, after a budget has been approved by the Health Organisation of the League.

Sounds like it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship for the NWO.

For US and the rest of the God fearing world, not so much.

(07/02) Late to the Party Update:

Saw this http://Thom Hartmann Program video this morning (7/02) which brought to mind this news story  which might be looked upon as the account of the response to an obtuse caste key and compass signal set deep in their Vedic Texts obvious only to them and used  to secure their sought after and much desired Nirvana for the next thousand years, the selling points Hartmann explained in part in the above video..

It was strange, though, the attempt to connect Covid with the flight of the wealthy when it was stated in the previous paragraph the Monied Migration went back to 2014, two years before this announcement

The times, as Bob Dylan might be thinking, be finally A-Changing.

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