Now They Are Three

Another Trilateral. They’ll probably have a triangle on their official Star Trek style  Parliamentarian  uniform ahnsahm.

For some reason many, maybe the majority of Americans of all persuasions tend to blame being caught in the daily downward swirl on the mental, moral or mulish proclivities of the ineffectual political class. No questions asked, that’s what it is; lock, stock and barrel.

There is more than enough evidence countering that widespread belief but such evidence is rarely acknowledged and tonight there will be more damning data presented. One big ‘however’ is this time the data appears to be intended for a selective audience.

While the body politic continues to carry an increasing debt to US that has passed long ago into the major karmic re-balance realm that will surely follow them into hell, the true engineers of our planned  demise continue on their way unscathed merrily dismantling our Constitution with neither a Congressional shot fired across their bow nor a pointed remark from a pulpit to remind the humanist fools that throughout history those who deleted God’s primacy, ignored His authority or mocked His dominion eventually earned a major comeuppance.

The subject of Public Health and the power it continues to accumulate was supposed to be the subject today. Like it’s demented sister Social Science, Public Health started out well enough but once it’s founders recognized it’s inherent power, it’s pretty obvious they upgraded their plans.

Instead of the Public Health article I had in mind I’m going to share a dark possibility I became aware of a few days ago.

It all started with this showing up multiple mornings as the opening page when I turned on the computer.  It’s an old newsletter I signed up for about twenty years ago when I learned the local congress person was a member.  After a week or two of deleting it I thought maybe there’s a reason John Edward Porter is staring at me every morning so I picked a subject on page 5 – World Parliamentarian because they used to push that subject as the model for their planned world government and did a search… and by golly they are still hot after Parliament style control.

So then I wondered if this new to me search engine would have anything not presented by the other search engines I use so… and I learned there was a new WO in town. It’s called World Intellectual Property Organization. I never heard of it before so I started looking at it sideways and eventually came up with some interesting returns: Global Innovation Raimondo 2022

Here’s an interesting one  where you gain access to even more information like that’s about sharing technology.

This one   interprets the U.S. Constitution for the reader. has the date we joined WIPO. I forget exactly where it’s recorded but I’m pretty sure it was back in the sixties.

These might be the days of coincidence but earlier tonight I learned at the RBF president is talking change

It might not be the dark possibility I suggested above but this unsigned advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office was what prompted my plan to write about Public Health and it sure sounds like they’d like to take care of their gun concerns before they move on to changing

…the core logic underlying global affairs—rooted in the earliest international treaties and enshrined in the U.N. Charter—and finds them insufficient to address today’s unprecedented convergence of political, economic, social, technological, and environmental forces. He then offers a reimagined framework for international relations based on the equitable distribution of power and the primacy of global common interests in peace and security, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability. 

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