Democrats and Ukrainians… A Match Made in A Deep and Smokey Hole


06/13/2024 02:55 PM EDT…lawmakers say Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told them in recent meetings in Singapore and France that the new permissions are too narrow for him to effectively defend Kharkiv — and that he wants to strike more of the Russian military targets bombarding his people and forces…

…A top Biden ally, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said he is pressing Zelenskyy’s case with the White House.

“I respect the president’s concerns and the concerns of many about how deep into Russia to facilitate strikes, but I think Zelenskyy’s made reasonable requests and we ought to pursue them,” Coons said…

House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Richard Blumenthal said after meeting with Zelenskyy last week during the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy that they’ve changed their minds and feel as Coons does…

“Had we given them the money in the first place we wouldn’t be where we are right now — so we’re playing catch up,” Meeks said. “Because the Ukrainians couldn’t fire on certain positions so [Russian forces] got established so that they could fire more at the Ukrainians. Now I am trying to catch up for the lack of funding because we couldn’t pass the supplemental.”

And the Republican Speaker of the House led the way.


But most troublingly for Johnson, the Ukraine aid measure passed 311-112, with all 210 Democrats in attendance voting for the bill, and all 112 of the no votes coming from the GOP. As the bill passed, Democrats on the House floor waved Ukrainian flags and cheered in solidarity with the U.S. ally. They tried to hand flags out to Republicans, but only a few accepted.

How much money have we given to Zelensky in the last two years? . CFR says of the $175B Congress has appropriated for their war, only $107B goes to the Ukraine government.

The NWO wants Ukraine in NATO and they want US broke, evidently.  The problem is, allegedly, it isn’t going very well for Zelensky’s forces, either. MacGregor I MacGregor II

The same can be said for the democrat’s agenda

Back in the 1950’s, I was going to Catholic school where we learned the story of Fatima more than once. What I didn’t understand was at the end of the story we were always encouraged to pray for Russia; I never understood that then; they were our enemy.

Now, I understand; and I’ve been understanding pretty clearly since the Covid scam.


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