because you can’t trust them.
Maybe you haven’t consciously recognized that truism yet but you know the crap they’re selling about the scamdemic isn’t sitting well within you even though as a Caucasian (and I’m addressing those I assume are most of the readers here) because you understand the importance of going-along-to-get-along having been trained by this guy since 1947.
Well, it appears the consistently successful go-along-to-get-along training has ran into an unexpected impediment and the puppet masters are not used to being as flummoxed as they may be thinking they are at this point in the scam.
What I think the source of their discomfort is is the possibility the applied adaptive logics they have come to so heavily rely on in the last seventy or so years are showing signs of tread wear.
The technocrats running the show only intended to appear they had mankind’s well-being in mind; that deception injected if you will, a degree of chance in their ploy they must have thought they could cover with a blanket of fear. When their scam started hitting resistance they resorted to doubling down on their lies and putting multiple wizards behind the curtain spewing the same lies they’ve been cultivating for years. There are probably some players thinking the odds are still in their favor if they can only manipulate more causes of death into the appropriate death certificate boxes.
Here’s three of their wizards. Same message. Same masters. Same scornful, superior attitude.
S.A.P. is a consultant for Sanofi, Merck, Janssen, Inovio, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Rational Vaccines, NTxBio, Seqirus, Codagenix, Vaxinnity, and Valneva.
I first learned of Stanley A Plotkin three years ago. The links to his deposition on that page no longer function but thankfully more prescient folk have insured Plotkin’s version of humanistic behavior is not lost to US.
A recent editorial in which he referred to the scam as a plague contains quite a few ifs, maybes and howevers with a few urgent adjectives thrown in but when you’re selling vaccines every sneeze is the start of an epidemic. Or even a plague.
From “What have we learned from the COVID-19 plague?”
…The overriding lesson for us is that epidemics of infectious diseases will continue to happen, that their spread in a well-connected world is predictable, and that efforts to develop preventive measures must be initiated before an infectious agent launches an epidemic, not after. Examples of epidemic threats are many, including recurrent influenza viruses and other pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, and other agents that, because of increased human and insect mobility, have already become worldwide plagues…
Their BS continues.
Recently, CEPI has confirmed our hopes by supporting the development of new vaccines for a number of infections occurring in lower- and middle-income countries, including COVID-19 and diseases caused by endemic and enzootic pathogens. CEPI has now embarked on the development of prototype vaccines against categories of pathogenic agents that are not yet spreading in humans but that could well cause the next pandemic (2, 3).
Put your protective glasses on, the craps going to start flying in 3,2,1 at where they will try to convince you Covid brought the world to it’s knees when any thinking person knows it was a coordinated western world government effort that came up with that ‘we’re at war’ crap and shut down everything with payoffs at every possible level .
Epidemic and pandemic diseases should be viewed not merely as a public health risk but as an existential threat to modern society. They are a transnational threat that demands a coordinated and collective global response. Dr Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI
Yeah, I’d want my name to be unreadable, too. His name is Hatchett and he announced the covid war on March 15 2020.
Urgently needed are more collaborations…
…CEPI calls on political, industry, academic, philanthropic, and civil society leaders to join us and support our bold plan.
Dr. Richard Hatchett Chief Executive Officer, CEPI
Gee, from Stanley’s lips to Richard’s ears to the Gates’ pocketbook and if things work out right (they will if we continue to cooperate)their investment will morph into another tax burden for America .
And MSM won’t ever make the scam connection. How cool is that for them?
Here’s an idea Bill and Mel. Why don’t you spend the $300M on start-up indoor plumbing businesses and sewage and water services? What’s that? You won’t get the expected rate of return on your foundations investment your looking forward to with a continuously running ‘one and done’ operation? And you don’t actually expect the copper pipes to last very long before they get pulled out of the ground by warlords? What good would that be doing you then, right?
An explanation, dear reader, of the purpose of foundations from the godfather of foundations
…Impact investments are defined as investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.
While this definition leaves room for a broad set of investments, two key elements should be present: intentionality and measurement. The investor’s intention should include some element of both social impact and financial return. And while there is more consensus on metrics for financial return on investment (ROI), an impact investor should also aim to measure the social impact. In essence, all investments make an impact on society; some positive, some negative. Impact investors intentionally pursue investments that lead to measured positive social impact (for the purposes of this guide, we include environmental impact in the broader header of social impact).
Otherwise recognized as the covert tool of transforming free people into slaves without them recognizing it has happened UNtil it is too late.
…impact investing provides a tool for achieving social good with a wider array of assets than a traditional philanthropy. Private foundations in the U.S., for example, can achieve social good with not only their 5% required annual payout, but also with the 95% endowment corpus that remains invested. To put this in perspective, U.S. foundations make annual grants totaling $60 billion, while holding assets totaling $865 billion…
Smelling a hostile takeover yet?
Maybe you should go back to and look for the basis of their use of the changing balance theme of “some positive some negative” on society. Look closely and you might realize the fulcrum of the balance that measures the good and evil they tout as acceptable is intended to sit on a base of lies and those lies are intended to swallow up the light you are trying to share.
Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
Returning to “What have we learned from the COVID-19 plague?”
Plotkin was concerned The term “correlate of protection” is sometimes misunderstood. Immune responses are often redundant and act together. However, identification of the chief protective immune response against a pathogen enables evaluation of both vaccinated and naturally infected individuals with regard to their likelihood to resist infection or develop clinical symptoms. However, immune factors may differ with regard to protection against local or disseminated infection and disease. Therefore, correlates of protection may be complex and multiple
Is that why they don’t want anyone to use Ivermectin? It doesn’t leave any chemical markers those anal retentives crave?
However, because of the large populations in Asia and Africa, production facilities must be greatly expanded…
Who did his research? WHO?
This study found rurality, province, and chronic lung disease diagnosis as significant factors associated with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner utilization among older individuals in China. These factors may reflect structural differences in access to health care between urban and rural regions of different provinces and also suggest the importance of local cultural context in the utilization of a TCM practitioner. These findings may inform TCM preservation and development, health interventions, and integration with WM to improve the health and health service use at later life in an aging society.
It looks to me the people of China are getting less interested. Maybe Plotkin needs a second opinion?
Using a cross-sectional survey, this study revealed that the prevalence rates of belief and use of traditional medicine were both close to 50% among amongst Shanghai older adults. These high rates suggest a great potential of traditional medicine to address the increasing healthcare needs due to population aging. We also found patients of cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, cancer, prostatitis, arthritis and nervous system diseases were more likely to seek help from traditional medicine. Though not conclusive, our study suggested that traditional medicine in China appears to serve two distinct functions: complementary medicine for socioeconomically advantaged individuals, and alternative medicine for socioeconomically disadvantaged.
S.A.P.’s editorial is very misleading. While it looks like a loosening of his grip on reality, confusion is one result of fear. He and his friends may be feeling the heat from his intended victims, US. An increasingly larger segment of the intended victims are getting increasingly angry. Here’s another example of intentional sloppy research. He wrote:
…the United Kingdom, where the government speaks with one voice, is a better model than the United States, where 50 different governments are speaking to the public and voicing different instructions.
The implication is everyone over there is cooperating like they were depicted during in WW II. They’re not. I think the people in the UK have felt they’ve been experiencing WW III for awhile now and they too feel like the targeted enemy.
Here’s one level of uncooperative…
here’s another…
This must have stung…
Meanwhile a coterie of Plotkin’s sycophants cheered his predictions of 2017 despite the undisguised duplicity of his choices; or perhaps because of them. I’ll paste a couple of his puzzling ‘predictions’ but first the Money Line:
In the question and answer session that followed, Plotkin noted that the same factors that would lead to decreased immunization rates in the US could also lead to reduced funding for vaccinology.
Was Plotkin gambling on the pandemic back in 2017? Why would he target diseases such as those on his 2017 list? Is their fear weaponry losing it’s power as time passes? Are they getting uncomfortable with being forced to ignore their failed predictions of bodies piled in the streets or with replacing their doom and gloom spokespersons when their dreams fail to become reality and then disappear quickly from public view?
As they practice with ‘plaguish’ type diseases on monkeys here’s the lineup of diseases the globalist are using to build up their cash reserves in their world bank accounts followed by some background reports on the targeted diseases impact on humanity.
Approximately 60-90% of individuals afflicted with rotavirus gastroenteritis present with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. This constellation of signs and symptoms, however, is common to many infective gastroenteritides. Thus, rotavirus infection can be easily misdiagnosed, if based solely on clinical features. Acute, febrile, non-bloody diarrhea should trigger a broader differential than rotavirus alone to include infection with other viruses, such as coronavirus, enterovirus, adenovirus, hepatitis A, or bacteria, such as enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, and Campylobacter strains.
Although rotavirus gastroenteritis is often diagnosed presumptively, there are several rarely used, but widely available, laboratory diagnostics that enable confirmation of infection.
About 88% of diarrhea-associated deaths are attributable to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and insufficient hygiene 5, 6
- Water, food, and objects become contaminated with stool in many ways:
- People and animals defecate in or near water sources that people drink.
- Contaminated water is used to irrigate crops.
- Food preparers do not wash their hands before cooking.
- People with contaminated hands touch objects, such as doorknobs, tools,
or cooking utensils.
Eating smart and exercising regularly goes a long way
Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious, especially for infants and older adults. RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs) in children younger than 1 year of age in the United States.
…Initial signs of RSV are similar to mild cold symptoms, including congestion, runny nose, fever, cough, and sore throat. Very young infants may be irritable, fatigued and have breathing difficulties. Normally these symptoms will clear up on their own in a few days…
…Researchers are working to develop a vaccine, but currently, there is nothing available for public use. In collaboration with Pfizer, Great Lakes Clinical Trials will soon be initiating a clinical trial for an RSV vaccine. The expected start date is early October 2021…
C. diff
Illness from C. difficile typically occurs after use of antibiotic medications. It most commonly affects older adults in hospitals or in long-term care facilities. In the United States, about 200,000 people are infected annually with C. difficile in a hospital or care setting. These numbers are lower than in previous years because of improved prevention measures.
…Clostridioides difficile (formerly Clostridium) causes a potentially life-threatening diarrhoea, which is acquired predominantly in hospitals. The incidence of infections caused by this organism has increased markedly over the past 20 years, although the incidence has fallen in the UK since a peak about 10 years ago. Suspicion of the condition should be high, and cases should be managed appropriately…
Adjuvant upgrades
…While early adjuvants (aluminum, oil-in-water emulsions) were used empirically, rapidly increasing knowledge on how the immune system interacts with pathogens means that there is increased understanding of the role of adjuvants and how the formulation of modern vaccines can be better tailored towards the desired clinical benefit….
…Adjuvants are the most advanced new technology in the search for new vaccines against challenging pathogens and for vulnerable populations that respond poorly to traditional vaccines.
Most adjuvants, including Alum, Toll-like receptor agonists and oil-in-water emulsions, activate innate immunity thereby altering the quantity and quality of an adaptive immune response. Adjuvants activate leukocytes, and induce mediators (e.g., cytokines, chemokines, and prostaglandin-E) some of which are biomarkers for reactogenicity, that is, induction of local/systemic side effects. Although there have been safety concerns regarding a hypothetical risk of adjuvants inducing auto-immunity, such associations have not been established. As immune responses vary by population (e.g., age and sex), adjuvant research now incorporates principles of precision medicine. Innovations in adjuvant research include use of human in vitro models, immuno-engineering, novel delivery systems, and systems biology to identify biomarkers of safety and adjuvanticity.
The virus responsible for causing dengue, is called dengue virus (DENV). There are four DENV serotypes and it is possible to be infected four times. While many DENV infections produce only mild illness, DENV can cause an acute flu-like illness. Occasionally this develops into a potentially lethal complication, called severe dengue.
Delhi added six more dengue deaths that took place between October and November, taking the toll due to the mosquito borne disease to 23 this year — the most fatalities since 2015 when 60 people succumbed to the disease, according to the weekly report compiled by the three municipal corporations.
According to the latest report released on Monday, all six fatalities were those under 15 years, including an 8-month-old from Kirari in northwest Delhi who died in early November. The latest report also added 131 new dengue cases to the tally during the last week. The annual dengue case count in the Capital now stands at 9,545.
You ever wonder why the numbers of cases are included in news articles…?
From Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and capitalism in America by E. Richard Brown pgs 122-123
Scientific medicine’s singular concern with the microbiological interaction of the human body and specific disease states had political consequences which Gates and a few others envisioned. In brief, Gates embraced scientific medicine as a force that would: (1) help unify and integrate the emerging industrial society with technical values and culture, and (2) legitimize capitalism by diverting attention from structural and other environmental causes if disease.
Gates and other officers in the Rockefeller foundations believed that medicine had an important cultural role to play. Gates believed that the goal of medicine, the “healing ministration,” “is the most intimate, the most precious, the superlative interest of every man that lives.” After food, water, sleep, and sex, freedom from disease is the great longing of all peoples. The desire for health is a unifying force “whose values go to the palace of the rich and the hovel of the poor.” Medicine is a work “which penetrates everywhere.” Thus, “ the values of medical research are the most universal values on earth, and they are the most intimate and important values to every human being that lives.”
With medicine’s unique acceptance by all people, the Rockefeller Foundation discovered what the missionaries also knew: Medicine can be used to convert and colonize the heathen. In 1909 the Rockefeller philanthropies added public health programs to their earlier efforts to develop public schools and promote agricultural demonstration projects in the South in part because medical care is so seductive to even the most reluctant people…
A surveillance case definition is a set of uniform criteria used to define a disease for public health surveillance. Surveillance case definitions enable public health officials to classify and count cases consistently across reporting jurisdictions. Surveillance case definitions are not intended to be used by healthcare providers for making a clinical diagnosis or determining how to meet an individual patient’s health needs.
They’re not intended for the use of healthcare providers nor for use in the interest of a patients health needs, so why are they used?
One reason is it’s an unobtrusive way to remind people that Big Brother likes us; he really, really likes us… to experiment with
Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. A recently released estimate based on insurance records suggests that approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year.
…Approval to release death records during the study period was received from all states except Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, and Tennessee. Among the 45 remaining states, Lyme disease was coded as an underlying or multiple cause of death for 119 records from 25 states. When requesting corresponding death certificates, one certificate could not be located by the state, one was never requested in error, two certificates did not contain a diagnosis or any wording of Lyme disease or B. burgdorferi infection, and one certificate was destroyed and the corresponding data deleted during our analysis due to expiration of the state’s human subjects approval per state guidelines. Analyses were conducted on the remaining 114 death certificates…
…In contrast to the 96,068 cases of Lyme disease reported to CDC during 1999–2003, Lyme disease was coded as an underlying cause of death on only 23 records…
Regardless of the lack of evidence of a pandemic sized Lyme event, is pursuing plans to develop a Lyme disease vaccine.
A total of 17 deaths of persons having pertussis symptom onset in 2000 were reported to CDC by 12 states. All deaths occurred among infants born in the United States, with onset of pertussis symptoms at age <4 months. Nine (53%) deaths occurred among males. Of the 17 deceased infants, 14 (82%) were white, one (6%) was black, and one (6%) was American Indian/Alaska Native; race was not reported for one (6%). Data on ethnicity were reported for 15 (88%) infants; seven (41%) of the 17 deceased infants were Hispanic.
Our estimates suggest that, compared with the 1999 estimates published in 2003 (30·6 million pertussis cases and 390 000 deaths from pertussis in children younger than 5 years), the numbers of cases and deaths of pertussis have fallen substantially. Model sensitivity emphasised the importance of better surveillance to improve country-level decision making and pertussis control.
Better surveillance is called for. No kidding.
Those keeping the figures at CDC and NIH better check their batteries in their calculator. Oh wait. Estimates don’t need no calculator.
It just occurred to me the chamber of commerce ought to be recognized also for their part in opening up our borders to introduce “unexposed populations of the Americas” to the $hitty end of their stick and their Covid-19 forged partnership with WHO.
There are more targets for the vaxxists.
chikungunya, lassa fever , nipah virus that are mostly sanitation problems the vaccine mafia want to exploit, imo.
Plotkin’s condescending opinion of the resistance to the globalist elite’s ongoing technocratic effort to coup was explicitly stated when he wrote “negative propaganda from incompetent observers and skepticism about information from experts” are responsible for our lack of total capitulation.
It’s obvious the only ‘thinking’ going to be permitted in their future will be directed by any number of bureaucratic satraps.
The next wizard is Peter J Hotez. Don’t let that friendly face fool you. He’s a determined warrior when it comes to facing off with right wing antiscience aggression and he’s been at it a long time. shows his record of battles, his awards and proof he’s been actively supporting the vaxx forces since his first job in 1980 at Rockefeller U.
His grant history starts on page 71 and shows his strong interest in parasites of all sorts but the hookworm variety seemed to catch his attention in a bigly fashion. I’ve seen those pictures that keep getting disappeared from youtube, allegedly of the vaccine that has to be kept frozen because some alleged medical people have reported that worm like creatures are detectable when the vaccine is thawed out for too long which in itself is difficult to grasp. I mean what are those vaccines served up as? Slurpee shots? Not likely.
However, Lancet published a cohort study, September 01, 2021 that stated Evidence from Africa indicates that significantly less COVID-19 patients suffer from serious symptoms than in the industrialized world. We and others previously postulated a partial explanation for this phenomenon, being a different, more activated immune system due to parasite infections. Here, we aimed to test this hypothesis by investigating a potential correlation of co-infection with parasites with COVID-19 severity in an endemic area in Africa.
The authors did include To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports published to date actually demonstrating a clear association between parasite co-infection and COVID-19 severity.
Which, of course, does not mean with todays no-holds-barred science they wouldn’t act on their observations regarding parasites as a possible vaccine amelioration and subject various groups of volunteersto another strange brew. It’s not totally unheard of. Parasites. The other right vaxx.
…In this unique cohort study consisting of 751 Ethiopian patients, we…demonstrate that the proportion of COVID-19 patients with parasitic infection decreased with increasing categories of disease severity…we observed that co-infection with any parasite, including protozoa, or helminths, was associated with lower odds of developing severe COVID-19. In addition, patients without parasite co-infection appeared vulnerable to worse in-hospital outcomes, including admission to the intensive-care unit, requirement for supplemental oxygen, or mechanical ventilation, and death.
2.4 Statistical analysis
We hypothesized that co-infection with intestinal parasite is associated with reduced risk of severe COVID-19 [[13]]. Exposure was intestinal parasite co-infection. The primary outcome of the study was the proportion of severe disease among SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive patients. A feasibility study showed that about 20% of COVID-19 patients with parasite co-infection developed severe COVID-19. We expected this to increase to about 50% among those without parasite co-infection. A minimum sample size of 223 patients with parasite, and 446 without parasite co-infection (at 1:2 ratio) was required to ensure 80% power using a two-sided test with a significance level of α=0.05. Assuming a dropout rate of 10%, a minimum total sample size of 738 was estimated for the cohort
…Of the total 751 individuals enrolled in the study, 284 (37.8%) harbored one or more intestinal parasites (Table 2). Of the patients included in the study, protozoa and helminth infections comprised 20.2% and 24.5%, respectively. The most common protozoa infections were Entamoeba spp. (16.8%) and Giardia (3.6%). For helminths, the most common infections were H. nana (15.1%), S. mansoni (4.5%), and A. lumbricoides (3.6%). The proportion of patients harboring multiple parasites (>1) was 8.7% (Table 2). There was no significant difference in sex and age distribution between those with parasites and those without (Table 1). However, those without parasite co-infection appeared more symptomatic for COVID-19. In addition, the proportion of comorbid conditions, in particular NCDs, was significantly higher in COVID-19 patients without parasitic co-infection (Table 1).
Modern scientist #3 does not belong in the big leagues like the previous two. His nasty on people who question the whole covid scam was childish. Which makes this a dishonorable mention for him.
In the meantime, there’s this comment you should never forget:
From comments
Richard Reiser, MD | SUNY Downstate Medical Center
In 2016 Johns Hopkins investigators reported the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA was medical errors and complications, not including all the damage we do that doesn’t result in death (1). It would be good to account for that in COVID-19-era rankings of causes of death.
- Makary M A, Daniel M. Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US. BMJ 2016; 353 :i2139 doi:10.1136/bmj.i2139