Prepare To Man The Life Votes

It seems like almost every day Michigan’s Governor Whitmer UNleashes a bit of the fury residing behind her eyes. Anyone denying that woman is riding out cortisol flash floods needs to take a closer look and I’m here to help.

After I learned she announced she’s willing to let most everybody out of the house but the elderly (anyone over 65), I set aside my interest in the Globalist/mind control/neurosciences and turned my attention to Gretchen.

I am not a native Michigander, I’ve only been here four years and it was supposed to be much shorter so I haven’t paid too much attention; except when the Battle Creek city committee lied to us about resettlement issues and a local plumber tried to screw us on a water heater installation.

Now that this Governor jumped the shark on the Hoax of the New Century and nobody noticed how her Wicked Witch complexities are not too far removed from her political smile, I thought I’d better check; you know, for the good of humanity kind of thing.

It appears something ain’t right; in her attitude specifically and the Michigan democrat party generally.

A simple background check at and pretty much agreed on the basics and was a democrat campaign piece. I didn’t know Gretchen taught at U of M and MSU. Nice family picture during her blonde days was included, too.

But nothing too interesting until It fills in a lot of spaces which makes it worth being spelled out…

LANSING, Mich. – Only Michigan’s second female governor who graduated Magna Cum Laude from Michigan State University’s law school, Gretchen Whitmer’s professional tenure is dotted with experience and accolades.

But that wasn’t always the case. As it turns out, Whitmer wasn’t so career-oriented growing up.

The word that she would use to describe herself? “Recalcitrant.”

“I was a pain. When I was going away to MSU, neither my mom nor I could wait for that to happen,” she said. “I was strong-minded.”

She also had an active social life with subpar grades. A graduate of East Grand Rapids High School, she said she didn’t turn her attention towards her career until after she had started college.

“Yeah, I did okay. But it wasn’t until the second half of MSU,” she said. “By the second half of MSU, it really clicked and I started just getting four points. I went to law school and I graduated Magna Cum Laude.”

But even at that point, it wasn’t public service she was interested in entering. No, she wanted to be ESPN’s first female sports reporter. That’s why she took an internship with George Perles, the former football head coach at MSU.

However, after another internship with former Speaker of the House Curtis Hertel, things changed and she redirected her vision toward government and what would amount to 14 years of experience.

ESPN? Football team intern? A recalcitrant young woman? Politics sounds like a step down if you ask me but that’s the one she took; and under the guidance of Curtis Hertel hisself, yer honor.

The late Curtis Hertel

Hertel was known for a number of important pieces of legislation, some of the most notable are the passage of Proposal A which overhauled education funding in Michigan, increased revenue for road funding through a gas tax increase, the creation of The Children’s Trust Fund, and an increase in the minimum wage

An obituary is not the place to get specific about the deceased success so links to the important pieces of legislation Mr. Hertel contributed his energy to follow:

Quite a legacy. Perhaps one his protégé worked hard to emulate without having his ability to make lemonade when handed lemons.

We’ll never know if, when Covid-19 showed up, this song popped into her head like a Steven King plot.

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