This May Be Familiar

if you saw the 1956 classic, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers you recognize Hollywood’s role in the long running deception we’re caught up in.

If you have no idea what I’m referring to, just consider the message in this post as an introduction to the next step of the alien/demonic, not necessary to be patented, evolution/devolution process. This process only involves the world’s elite including military, political, university and corporate cronies etc and secrecy would be at the core of this process for reasons made obvious in the future.

The ‘elite’ participants would be furnished treatments that would provide them with a sense of well-being, super intelligence and longevity for some time, perhaps years, until their bodies can no longer adapt to the stress of ‘Change’ and they start exhibiting physical frailties such as an inability to go up or down stairs, physical shaking, and/or repetitive or stuttering speech. They eventually begin to stay away from the public and exhibit reclusive traits until rumors start about their death or their near death. Then, unexpectedly, they resume public activity looking and acting more vibrant than ever; the reality, though, is the alien/demonic transition has been completed.


In addition to these organizational efforts, a large-scale project that stands out in neuroinformatics for its scale and scope is the NIH-backed Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) [11]. BIRN is focused on neuroinformatics, and emphasizes brain imaging in humans and mice, and acts as a ‘test bed for development of hardware, software, and protocols to effectively share and mine data in a site-independent manner for both basic and clinical research’. BIRN is a network of research groups that at this writing involves work from at least two dozen laboratories across the US and the UK. BIRN is discussed below in the context of several specific areas of neuroinformatics

Electrophysiology refers to the analysis and interpretation of biologically generated electrical signals. Electrophysiological time-series data extends from high sample rate recordings of individual ion channels, through multielectrode and multichannel optical recordings of cellular and circuitry activity. Furthermore, multi-unit non-invasive recordings are preformed on nerve, muscle and whole brain activity. Electrophysiological methods are at the core of much of neuroscience, as electrical signals are the primary mode by which information communication and processing occurs in the nervous system

The first two paragraphs from the website linked above, which is (12) twelve years old in November read like this:

Where neuroinformatics involves the analysis of genes and proteins, there is extensive overlap with ‘traditional’ bioinformatics. However, much of the interest in neuroinformatics comes from the diverse types of neuroscience research and how they might be linked more effectively using informatics technologies.

Our aim in this review is to provide an overview of neuroinformatics, biased somewhat towards the viewpoint of practitioners of bioinformatics who are outside of neuroscience. Therefore, we focus our attention on only a subset of areas within neuroinformatics. We briefly cover the large field of nervous system modeling and simulation. In addition, neuroimaging informatics has been reviewed in detail recently [1–3]. Thus our focus is on other types of neuroscience data and knowledge databases, efforts towards integrating knowledge across domains, and especially on the analysis of the nervous system at the genetic, cell and molecular level…

…Neuroscience is a rich source of interesting computational and informatics problems and opportunities. These problems encompass a good deal of ‘traditional’ bioinformatics (e.g. sequence analysis), applied to the neuroscience domain. In addition, perhaps more than any other field, neuroscience has been applying computation and informatics to domain-specific problems, giving rise to the term ‘neuroinformatics’. Neuroinformatics includes the development of databases, standards, tools and models and the development of simulations and analytical techniques, spanning all levels of nervous system organization

Isn’t it interesting how researching a subject for one post drops you smack dab into the jungle of another one? Who’d have thought would lead to Quantum computers and from there to bringing neuroinformatics up to date.

From 2018

CERN created CERN openlab in 2001 as a framework for collaboration between CERN and leading companies in information and computing technologies. There are currently over 20 active CERN openlab projects, spread across four R&D topics: data center technology and infrastructure, computing performance and software, machine learning and data analytics, and interdisciplinary applications

If CERN can’t bring a global project together capable of interpreting biologically generated electrical signals, nobody can.

A more recent explanation from

…Quantum computers, in other words, use the mathematics inherent in the fabric of the cosmos to “solve” problems without having to compute the solutions. You might say there really isn’t any “computation” taking place, but rather a diverting of the encryption problem to the fabric of the cosmos which does the computing for you. You could even call it a “computational wormhole” or “stargate” that seems to cheat the laws of reality.

If this makes no sense, you’re not alone. It’s difficult for humans to grasp the fact that the very nature of the cosmos is pure mathematics, from which the emergent property of physics springs forward…

Count me among the multitude who do not grasp the meaning of ‘Google’s end of encryption security’. When I read ‘mathematics is inherent in the fabric of the cosmos’ I seek other paths to understanding.

Remembering the humans and mice reference at that privately public UNaffiliated working class hero John Steinbeck came to mind.

That lead me to a quick refresher on “Of Mice and Men”.

At Spark Notes I found the reason for the CERN-Google partnership in the first key question and at why I am not alone.

The unwashed are not supposed to UNderstand the elites gobbledygook.

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