Freaky Weird

A few days ago I posted One Day People Will Look Back On These Vaccine Crap Shoot Days with fondness not meaning a word of that title.

I thought we had at least six months before they shared nature breaking news from Hell with US. You know, well into the flu season.

In fact, the thought behind that Crap Shoot title wasn’t referred to again in that post until the vague links in the last line that lead to a Wikipedia explanation of viral vectors

The possibility of noxious intent being a driving force of the questionably effective and government enforced vaccination program has long been noted here in posts like The Ministry of Contrivance and Technocrat Weapons of War but the news I saw this morning is news worth sharing with everybody.

You may get thanked for it. Then again, you might not get invited to their parties anymore. Maybe you should be a little more discrete than I.


Scientists have invented a synthetic protein designed to control the inner workings of cells. In a pair of papers, published yesterday (July 24) in Nature, the researchers demonstrate how the tool can be used to tweak gene expression, orchestrate protein binding events, and cue functional changes in the cell in response to environmental conditions…

…In their demonstrative studies, the researchers used LOCKR to trigger cell death, degrade specific proteins, and direct the movement of materials through living cells. Individual LOCKR proteins can also be connected to form circuits, systems able make changes within the cell in response to internal and external stimuli. The researchers first tested their tool in yeast, then successfully designed a modified version that works in lab-grown human cells…

I don’t know about you but that’s pretty freaky weird to me. They have a protein that responds to internal or external stimuli? And we’re supposed to believe they will not abuse this new development and not, say, slip it into the flu ‘vaccine’ back at the CDC approved pharmaceutical factory?

Fennomenni kiki bobo

Pie Crust Promise Crumbs Lead to Stories Like This


Gov. Gavin Newsom also issued a statement, saying “as a state, we must do more to stop these senseless acts that continue to take lives. We owe it to 24-year-old Officer Diaz and all Californians.”

What senseless act would that be governor?

The young off-duty officer was eating with friends near a Lincoln Heights taco stand after midnight Saturday when he saw someone tagging a wall. He called out for the person to stop…

…According to law enforcement sources, a group of young men approached Officer Juan Jose Diaz sometime after the tagging exchange and began threatening the 24-year-old, his girlfriend and her two brothers. One of the men lifted his shirt to reveal a handgun.

Diaz and his group tried to hurry to their car and drive away to avoid a violent confrontation, a source said. As they got into the vehicle, the gunman opened fire, fatally wounding Diaz and injuring one of his girlfriend’s brothers…

Who would commit such a senseless act?

…The gunman claimed allegiance to the Avenues, a once-powerful gang that has lost its grip on the neighborhood in the last decade…

What do you mean ‘once-powerful?

While its grasp in the area has declined significantly over the last decade as crime has decreased, the gang remains influential. The gang has been known to have strong ties to the Mexican Mafia, a dominant force in California prisons…

Yeah but why did the significant decline in crime over the last decade take place?

The Avenues were involved in several serious crimes from 1995 to 2001, authorities said, including shooting a 15-year-old boy riding a bike, kicking open the door of a 21-year-old man’s home and fatally shooting him in the head and knocking a woman off her bike and threatening her husband with a box cutter.

The Avenues were also responsible for a series of deadly attacks on African Americans in the 1990s and early 2000s. Federal prosecutors alleged the goal was to push African Americans out of the predominantly Latino community…

Oh yeah. I remember that. I was living in the Inland Empire when the ethnic cleansing was taking place. Strange that something like ethnic cleansing wouldn’t be a national story especially when blacks were the targeted cleanses. How did that end? The last I heard the invaders were moving in and the blacks were heading north and the Orientals up in north California were arming up and organizing because there was a sudden increase in crime targeting their used to be peaceful neighborhoods.

in 2008 and 2009, federal indictments sent more than 140 Avenues gang members to prison. A combination of gang injunctions, police investigations and residents more willing to report crime tempered the gang’s grip in the area…

This effort the LAPD officer made to reclaim civility from a gang banger intent on reclaiming turf lost during time spent in prison resulted in the young officers death.

What are the odds Newsom’s promised intent to join the democrat national endeavor to ‘dismantle the predatory system’ cost Officer Juan Jose Diaz his life?

What’s it been? Three years the democrat crime family has skated their debt to America?

One Day People Will Look Back On These Vaccine Crap Shoot Days

with fondness.

Today, growing concern for the children’s well being rules the scene.

A recent vaccine related study commissioned by the American Osteopathic Association shows a growing awareness by parents of the lack of honest discussion regarding vaccine safety while the medical community continues to take the long way around the barn to join the discussion.

Why would that be? Why would scientists reject dialogue in favor of patronized preaching? The AOA says it’s all in our head.

The spread of negative attitudes towards vaccines is a phenomenon deeply rooted in human psychology and amplified by social media, according to perinatal psychiatrist Rachel Shmuts, DO.

“From an evolutionary perspective, humans are primed to pay attention to threats or negative information,” she says. “So it makes sense that people hold onto fears that vaccines are harmful, especially when they believe their children are in danger.”

And especially when there are pharmaceutical scientists asking questions but getting no answers.

I’m not scientist level smart so I have to struggle to understand this scientist’s thinking:

“Some diseases, like measles, require as much as 95% of the population to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity,” says osteopathic family physician Paul Ehrmann, DO. “Our practice considers itself a steward of public health, so we do not take new patients who refuse to vaccinate.”

Dr. Ehrmann explains that herd immunity is essential to maintain because some people cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions, including allergies, illness or a weakened immune system. Keeping the rest of the population vaccinated protects those who are vulnerable.

“People know that a lot of practices won’t accept patients who don’t vaccinate, so when they find one that will, they spread the word to their community that it’s a safe place. Whether intentional or not, those doctors are often seen as endorsing anti-vaxxer beliefs,” Dr. Ehrmann said.

Say I walk into Dr. Ehrmanns office full of sneezing and coughing invaders. Scratch that. Invaders don’t cross the border with an up-to-date shot card. Fuhget that.

Say I walk into Dr. Ehrmanns office full of sneezing and coughing school administrators and gummint workers who were vaccinated with the wrong flu vaccine two months prior and I’m not vaccinated. I’m just there to deliver a box of anniversary chocolates to his Tamiflu guzzling but still seasonally vaccinated receptionist.

Whose in danger there? I don’t get the ‘stewards’ concern; I think it smacks of fakery.

A sinister fakery, too. Doctor Shmuts can explain confirmation bias until she’s blue in the face; I’d like to hear her explain viral delivery systems that counters Amazing Polly’s POV.

Influence Vaccination Station

Do you recognize the attacks the globalists/leftist/Satanists launch on our culture are UNresponded to battles they start in their war on US?

Can you recognize who are behind those attacks?

Thinking that Soros is the head waters of the money stream that funds that war can be misleading; shutting his funding down is not a final solution to civilization’s problem.

Gain a greater understanding of who the various engines are that power the constant attacks on the safety and well-being of your kith and kin at

Capital Research is not only politically incorrect, it’s free to the less corruptible. There is a donate button.

Capital Research Center (CRC) was established in 1984 to promote a better understanding of charity and philanthropy. We support the principles of individual liberty, a free market economy and limited constitutional government: These are the cornerstones of American society.

Some Folks Knock Conspiracy Theories

I like exploring them. Take for instance the recent NYC blackout on the anniversary date of the 1977 NYC blackout.

An infamous source of conspiracies suggested within a few hours of the recent blackout the event was initiated by the FBI prior to their alleged entry into 1633 Broadway NY, NY. It was claimed a recently launched Russian satellite detected an EMP event occurring at 6:47PM at or around that Manhattan location.

It didn’t take long to at least verify some of the Russian facts were indeed a reality.

An under reported similar blackout story that happened twenty hours earlier and 80 miles further south in another sanctuary city did make me think of the time the French embassy in Libya was accidently hit by a U.S. bombing mission once upon a time.

Nah, that’s just a crazy coincidence. Transformers fail regularly in hot weather.

The Last Word as an attitude refresher; a reminder we have all seen this before and still…

Compliments of knuckledraggin my life away… a lesson:

Nidal In A Haystack


Some of the most surprising information he obtained came from a Brotherhood member living in southern California. An Egyptian court sentenced Nidal Mohamed Sakr to death for allegedly killing a police officer, but he managed to escape to the United States in 2014. Sakr says he was born in Providence, R.I…

… Sakr now lives in Huntington Beach, Calif., near Los Angeles. He called for President Trump’s execution in an October 2017 tweet…

That tweet was barely understandable; may be why he hasn’t been picked up yet. Or maybe he had a Barry shield on his file the SES mob failed to remove.

What’s the Big Deal? Hillary Did It


The FBI is investigating a leak of more than 1,000 pages of highly sensitive classified documents from a critical American air and space intelligence unit, Forbes has learned…

The Air Force said the contractor was never authorized to remove the classified documents from the NASIC “and would have had to make a concerted effort to bypass security checkpoints” when taking them home,

Neither was Hillary. Well, not officially.

And Mr. Kemp does have a scientific interest.

Phase maker, phase maker make me a match
Lengthen my waveguide, polish my patch
Phase maker remember our optics have got to be clear
We’re controlling the swamp from Caesarea!