Regarding Fence Opposition

Ponder on why all these known and acknowledged deep state open borders One World devotees do not recognize the emergency that we see every day.

The deep state gangsters must be insane. They have jumped the shark regarding evil. The American people elected Donald Trump president to clean up the stain the political gangsters left behind. We support President Trump’s plan to secure the border.

This is from Luke Rosiak’s Obstruction of Justice. It’s time frame is after Awan walks away from the federal trial with barely a wrist slap…

Imran claims he has job offers to return to Capitol Hill. Congressional chiefs of staff like Shelley Davis of Yvette Clarke’s office have not been charged with procurement fraud. Members of Congress who seemed to know of problems before authorities did but didn’t step up, like Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, were poised to ascend to the Senate and the governor’s mansion, respectively. Xaviar Becerra was now attorney general of California and a potential future presidential candidate. Another Awan employer, Hakeem Jeffries, would go on to be elected chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and Pelosi, of course, would assume the speakership
(pg 284)

What is it about Grisham that makes her think it’s rational to protect an abuser but causes her to ignore her sworn duty to protect the nation? Was her allegiance somehow transformed?

For that matter, is the entire Democrat party suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?

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