Having just heard the news, it occurred to me the sanctuary cities might be the withdrawal window for the cartels, local jihadis and their democrat-republican pi$$ boys.
It is true I adapted to the nightmare pretty quickly once I understood how this once humble Republic had been reduced by its architects to a criminal fantasyland. It came together for me like this… and you have to understand… details, shmetails, if it don’t fit force it, close enough for government work, make up your own mind it works for me.
It didn’t start with the end game memo but another castle was gutted.
White collar criminals hate being held responsible for breaking the rules. It’s why they like golf so much. Mulligans come in so handy, why can’t they be built into bank business?
Worth the read for the curious.
Enter Chicago. And sideshow Hillary thinks the CCF is still relevant.
Pretty soon no more horror stories for the banksters.
It’s like how the Godfather IV script would read.