Weather Update

Funny how things take on a life of their own. I was reading this post on FreeRepublic about one young man’s shocking discovery that belief in climate change is a religion.

Shocking, indeed, but the you tube video he refers to has a pretty clear and damning connection between Marxism and the Green movement; meaning it’s another tool of change created and controlled by the global elite. If you are interested it’s eleven minutes long.

Then I turned on the radio and heard about, a fund raising site for a movie in the making with a five minute trailer of the movie which in turn lead to learning HAARP had been shut down temporarily.

That was followed by the report that HAARP activity has been reactivated. So much so soon! But wait, it continues. A GeoEngineering Expose that is tightening the focus on the Creationist Theory of Climate Change?

Have to say yes. It’s a slave maker and a money taker. Pictures included. Watch it while you can.

You are going to have to ignore some hyper-ventilating that occurs in those videos. A certain degree of hyperbole is unavoidable with us true believers, I suppose, but one guy’s explanation of the problem and solution in the unconventional grey trailer brought a smile. He reminded me of the George character in Easy Rider but if he helps liberals see this climate change issue is as phony as the term ‘Religion of Peace’, so be it. Those links contain information that makes it difficult for anyone to deny the probability that fraud permeates the climate change issue.

2 thoughts on “Weather Update”

  1. Not good news for Texas being rated as a hostile by Jade Helm and all but it provides an immediate follow up opportunity to verify accusations of HAARP impact on weather.


    …Tropical Storm Bill will be influenced by HAARP over Texas. While no one is predicting with scientific data the storm strengthening over land, we will say now it will likely do that. Dallas may have a tropical storm forming right overhead if these numbers are correct.


    Prayers up for Texas.

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