Try Walking Like An Egyptian

And no disrespect is meant to the Egyptian people. What they did in order to oust the Muslim Brotherhood from their government will stand forever as a badge of courage. Egyptians are an honorable people who recognized how quickly malevolent a government taken over by evil can and will become and they had the fortitude to put their lives on the line in opposition to that evil.

The Muslim Brotherhood survives, no doubt, once again underground in Egypt where it originated; outside of Egypt it thrives in our White House. There is no question of that. The question is why do we as an alleged free people allow our government such a cozy relationship with an organization that stated in written instructions how they plan similar chaos in our Nation?

The Muslim Brotherhood continues their plan to overthrow Egypt but there is a growing belief, or maybe hope, that their calls for Jihad against Egypt are more a death rattle in their fading voice. Regardless of their possible current dilapidation, you should visit this site, to read for yourself the duplicity of their Jihad call and also to have access to a source that recognizes the difference between slavery and freedom and how a working mind is critical to the pursuit of Liberty. If someday the veil of ignorance is lifted from our eyes we could be required to try walking like Egyptians. It’s good to know how it works.

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