The Never Answered Questions

What is it about Islamic based terrorism that makes their most devoted apologists, followers and proselytizers so sensitive to question and criticism?

Why are those apologists, followers and proselytizers driven by such a need for control that when the vast majority of humanity reject their offer to convert or die, those leaders of Islamic based terrorism, those driving that vehicle of death and carnage, respond with another terrorist attack, another outrage, another obscene stain on their religion of peace recognized by everyone else in the world but themselves?


Why then are we, everyone else in the world, subject to the apologist’s eventual press release, ‘It is our enemies fault that such unfortunate events take place’? Does it serve also as the signal for the Authorities of at least one major nation, usually US, to bend over backwards to accommodate the ever increasing Islamic based terrorists sensitivities?

Why are we supposed to suppress our outrage?


If only those apologists, followers and proselytizers understood that we of the West have our own deeply ingrained sensitivities and knew that our fuse is long but it burns hot. It doesn’t go out if it’s constantly disturbed; it just gets shorter.

Those sensitivities are based on the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and we’ve been known to defend them with an intensity jihadists have yet matched despite their barbaric, cowardly acts of terror. Those principles have provided US with a freedom we believe our Judeo/Christian God, the One True God, has blessed US with.

No one, politician or terrorist, has the right to take that from US.

It took US 200 plus years to understand fully the power of freedom when it is inclusive and applied to all Americans. Then this muslim-in-chief came along, sowed a train load of discontent, unloaded the fertilizer the socialists/democrat/progressives and RINO’s have been producing for decades on top of it and now we have trouble thriving where it once had a chance to be cleared away.

That only further supports normal peoples hardening conviction that hatred drives Islam. You apologists, followers and proselytizers of Islamic based terrorism have had 1400 plus years to fix it but you never did.

Now, you are involved in a plan, activated in the 1980’s that is, in your words,
…a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house… and that sounds like you have embarked on pursuing another failure of very large proportions.

Here’s another question for you AFnP’s. Have any of you ever considered the concept of Personal Responsibility? Did you ever learn that blame is antithetical to accepting responsibility and responsibility is a measure of adulthood? Or are you just running a PsyOp on an incompletely conditioned Western civilization for your masters? If so, you better look again at your projected timeline of anticipated success.

Because in our world, shrinking as it may appear to you with your impaired, sociopathic vision, before any individual or organizational success can be achieved, responsibility for any failure that occurs must be accepted not assigned. Once it is recognized, it is corrected. It would serve you well to remember that. Successful Westerners look at failure as challenges to be addressed on their path to success. That is an attitude we apply across our entire spectrum of existence.

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