More violence was reported in Ferguson, MO connected with Michael Brown. Actually, it was Michael Brown’s family. They were fighting each other. Or one side of the family worked over another side of the family. I’m sure you’ll hear about it on the MSM over the next week. You know, like they reported on that Palin brawl recently.
Maybe not, eh?
By the way. I hear a lot of self-righteous radio callers castigating the police officer for shooting Brown, condemning Officer Wilson for defending himself against a powerful brute who happened to be under the influence as proven by the toxicology report.
I do have a day job and on occasion that day job has me and a handful of others dealing with people who smoked marijuana that is generally accepted as being treated with other chemicals and referred to as ‘wet’. These drug users are rarely in a happy mood and can become quite violent exhibiting strength beyond normal. The strongest of these that I dealt with, and I’ve dealt with dozens, males mostly, was a rotund woman in her thirties who if she wanted to move an arm or a leg she moved it. I’ve not yet dealt with anyone stronger than she was.
I don’t think most people have any idea of what the drugs out there today are like. I’m wondering how long it would take one of Officer Wilson’s critics if placed in a similar situation, alone with a rampaging drug user, how long would it take to use the weapon and how many times would they pull the trigger? Would they really be willing to face death or possible permanent disability at the hands of someone who likely wouldn’t remember anything about it the next morning?
Believe me, they who are trippin’ do not listen to advice.