“It is not a position with which Americans can bargain or negotiate. With it there is no common ground-not even respect for life-on which to begin a dialogue. It can only be destroyed or utterly isolated.”
A decade after the 9-11 Commission report was released the Islamic State approaches. Forty minute introduction to the hardline Sunni jihadists.
Vice News Report from Syria
Back to that 9-11 Commission report. If you do a search on the members, you’ll find quite a bit of hocus-pocus involvement which would explain wishy-washy entries like the highlighted sentences below:
…Our report shows a determined and capable group of plotters. Yet the group was fragile, dependent on a few key personalities, and occasionally left vulnerable by the marginal, unstable people often attracted to such causes. The enemy made mistakes-like Khalid al Mihdhar’s unauthorized departure from the United States that required him to enter the country again in July 2001, or the selection of Zacarias Moussaoui as a participant and Ramzi Binalshibh’s transfer of money to him. The U.S. government was not able to capitalize on those mistakes in time to prevent 9/11.
We do not believe it is possible to defeat all terrorist attacks against Americans, every time and everywhere. A president should tell the American people:
•No president can promise that a catastrophic attack like that of 9/11 will not happen again. History has shown that even the most vigilant and expert agencies cannot always prevent determined, suicidal attackers from reaching a target.
•But the American people are entitled to expect their government to do its very best. They should expect that officials will have realistic objectives, clear guidance, and effective organization. They are entitled to see some standards for performance so they can judge, with the help of their elected representatives, whether the objectives are being met…
The expectations of We, the People, should not be limited, or defined, by a government separate and apart from us. When their failures to provide security at our borders and protection from our enemies are allowed to be explained away with a couple of mea culpas after disaster strikes and at the same time increase their efforts to disarm the People, we enable tyranny to grow more bold.
Until our borders are secured and the OTM’s from the special interest countries who breached our borders are rounded up and deported, the threat from muslim terrorists should not be ignored or played down. We should not rely on the government for protection. Their message, as spelled out above is, they are not capable of defeating all terrorist attacks against Americans, every time and everywhere. Don’t be a victim of their malfeasance. Prepare a local defense network.
With their refusal to secure our borders for the last 20 or so years, they have assured an opportunity for that dire prediction made by the 9-11 Commission to come true.
Update 22Aug2014
Syrian forces kill IS public relations guy.
Here’s a picture of Mosa and friends in headier days, some time after Benghazi.

Yes, that’s John McCain.
New here on 23 Aug 2014
Update 28 Aug 2014
Update 29 Aug 2014