Plata o Plomo

Out in the west Texas town of El Paso…

Couple of related links to a recent event down in Texas. I don’t know how familiar you are with the cartel’s practice of stringing up their enemies and pinning a message on them or a nearby bridge but take a look here…

One of the very active cartels in the U.S. is the Federation Cartel. Sounds a bit too uh, Federal, to me and it seems to have avoided the cartel wars pretty successfully.

At least I don’t remember the mention of it when the bullets were flying fast and furiously down Mexico way… but wait… it’s otherwise known as the Sinaloa cartel.

Or at least was. It get’s a little foggy when major forces collide… Remember when our Country was transformed into a Homeland?

But to think an actual cartel presence in the U.S. was almost non-existent until 2008… It’s enough to make a person wonder if there’s another scandal stirring out in the west wing.

Scroll on down the page until you reach the list of States and the cartels that infest them.

Yep, uh-huh. Sanctuary city makes a little more sense.

Plata O Plomo, City Council, Plata O Plomo.

Bucks County, too, for that matter.

Speaking of collusion, the Sinaloa boss was busted back in February after being uncatchable for 13 years.

I can use a Marty Robbins break back to an El Paso of simpler times, what about you?

Good night, Margaret.

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