Our mission is to clean the state of all types of organized crime, the official and unofficial. Our mission is to help restore the rule of law. Our mission is to fight until the authorities give us certainty on two main themes: Public Safety and the enforcement of Justice.
In Michoacán, regardless of what is said in the media, as a society death and impunity remain our victimizers.
Death and impunity surround and persecute us.
We continue to lack confidence in the authorities; they ask us to complete an impossible task, to supposedly advance the investigations, and then they end up detaining us. We are prohibited from entering certain cities meanwhile the Caballeros Templarios are not prohibited; on the contrary, they circulate the state sowing their seeds of terror and devastation.
That is why we have continued to advance; that is why we are organizing the population so they can be vigilant of their communities, so they can protect their constitutional rights of life, liberty, and property…
Every once in a while a brilliant star appears to lead a frustrated, victimized people to the Liberty Tree. I honor the autodefensas and Dr. Mireles and admire the courage and sacrifice they display in their determined efforts to restore the Rule of Law to Mexico that will free them of the shackles of fear that have enslaved them for so long. Prayers up for their protection and success in their two front war.