That’s what I meant. That’s what it is. Pay attention. The US is not that far behind the UK on the ignore the domestic jihad curve. More than 10,000 white, British females, 11-15 years old are counted as victims of rape gangs comprised overwhelmingly of muslims (91%) and 75% of mosque masters asked to condemn this practice refused to do so according to this Sun News report.
Monthly Archives: February 2014
From Russia With Love
When the SHTF
Rule #1: Do not go out.
No, wait a minute.
Rule #1: Organize your neighborhood now.
Then apply common sense. Or information you might pick up at sites like
Loose Ends
You really should do your own search on this subject because some of the headers are pretty funny.
CBS interviews Kaku about alleged weather modification.
And to think people still watch the LSM.
Another J.P. Morgan banker leapt to his death today and that’s attracting a lot of attention.
Concern is that something nasty this way comes regarding world finance.
It’s not that there isn’t a precedent regarding banking scandals and unexpected suicides and I’m not talking about the Great Depression, either.
Remember the Libor scandal and how that slowly unfolded? If profiling wasn’t so PC the news stories might be pointing out that jumping off roofs or out of windows could be trademarked by certain international players.
The unexpected suicide I inadvertently came across was this poor fellow whose misfortune might have been only that he was a deputy general manager with the Reserve Bank of India’s inspection department. His suicide also came as a shock to those who knew him.
Government Coverups Behind Islamic Invasion of America< ?a>
Making Weather Pay
If you’ve been affected by extreme weather this winter chances are, if you are on your congressional representative’s email list, you’ve received one or two messages updating the current condition of your misery and encouraging you to seek help at established stations somewhere in your district.
The continuing onslaught of freezing temperatures, snow and icy conditions have prompted me to put this PSA together.
First, to dissuade any naysayers out there, once again I’m offering evidence. This right here and here and here or here should convince you that weather modification is not science fiction. It’s business. Big business. I’m not saying they’re Bad Business, just big and they exist to modify weather.
Let’s move up a step, though, to an entertaining video about HAARP and the perceived ability it has to impact the weather and other things.
Next, is a 1979 Report from the Comptroller General of the United States taken from government archives online that will help you understand the bureaucratic need for clarifying the government involvement in the concept of weather modification.
In most cases government involvement means the political rats will be sniffing around looking to find a means to exploit it for their own benefit. This time it appears the hue and cry raised by the Left, upon hearing how the military seeded clouds during the Vietnam war in an effort to close the ho chi minh trail to commie traffic, had the rats scurrying for cover.
There may be a few reports out there of congressional funding of weather modification made public since the 1970’s but they’ve escaped a hasty search using Ixquick’s searching engines. However, that doesn’t mean we’ve escaped paying for this particular manipulation.
Here’s an interesting take on the subject.
But, I’m getting off track. This is a PSA intended to help you so let’s get to the meat of the matter.
Weather has been a tradable commodity since 1997 when the first OTC weather trade was made. Two years later the Chicago Mercantile Exchange got in the game and includes weather trading in its search engines.
According to the investopedia website:
Energy companies can enter into weather derivatives to eliminate risks of varying temperatures leading to uncertain demand and supply for their power, utility, and energy business.
The weather derivative market has grown globally, with big investment coming from a variety of participants. Weather instruments are a useful medium to mitigate risks for weather specific conditions. Depending upon the needs, specific weather derivatives or a balanced combination of weather and traditional commodity derivatives can be utilized for hedging
Weather modification may not yet be perfected to the point agricultural firms can blame their failed GMO crops on ‘climate change’ but you can bet all the connected players will still be raking in the dough when it comes about. This weather play is one of their most savory angles. There’s little doubt they’ll work it hard right up to the end.
Maybe the next time you get a reach around email from your congressional representatives expressing heartfelt concern, you might want to write back and ask her what are the chances that what you’re experiencing isn’t the result of weather modification meeting up with market manipulation.
Snowden’s Insurance
From compromised don’t go there without protection
February 6, 2014 — (TRN) — Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple “Doomsday” packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!
At a classified briefing for members of Congress which took place on Wednesday, members found out that Snowden took with him:
- a complete roster of absolutely every employee and official of the entire US Government.
- The names, home addresses, unlisted personal home telephone and personal cellular phone numbers, dates of birth and social security numbers of every person involved in any way, with any department of the US Government.
- The files include elected officials, Cabinet appointees, Judges, and **ALL** law enforcement agency employees including sworn officers.
- Similar files with the personal information of EVERY government contractor and all employees of that contractor!
- Similar files with all the personal information of EVERY Bank Corporation, their operating officers and their Boards of Directors, including all current and former members of the Federal Reserve
- Similar files with all the personal information about anyone holding any type of license from the Government such as Doctors, Lawyers, Stock Brokers, Commodities Traders . . . . and many more.
- Similar files with all the personal information of EVERY non-bank Corporation in the U.S., including their operating officers and Boards of Directors.
Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he “dies” from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.
When asked [to compare] how he felt [w]hat Snowden has done to the government, [to] what the government has been doing to average Americans, [ Armed Services Chairman Buck] McKeon (R-Calif.) just snarled and walked away.
Speaking of Fences
Here’s a memory from the days when physical walls were built to separate people. Nowadaze, all the walls are constructed in our minds.
As a lesson to share with you about time and it’s ‘you never know’ factor, last night I came across a ‘West of the Wall’ video on you tube that included film of East Berliners, doing what they have to do to escape Totalitaria, jumping from windows facing West Berlin into the arms of a waiting crowd below.
I watched it a couple of times. It was reminding me of when the network news was showing news clips almost every night of the escape attempts made under the guns of the Grentztruppen
Today, it can’t be found.
In this video, the only indicators of the violence visited upon those seeking freedom by the blood thirsty and heartless commie bastids are the names on the crosses attached to a fence.
If you think it can’t happen here, think again.
If you think it can’t be worse , think again.
If you think those who control our government have our best interests in mind, you better wake up and think again.
Second Amendment Termites posted this report yesterday about the Oregon Senate Judiciary hearings on tightening up gun control measures in Oregon.
Two diametrically opposing views were presented that are worth noting.
The first was from a man experienced in a communist state:
Manuel Martinez, who narrowly escaped Cuba in 1962 after being imprisoned for opposing Fidel Castro, passionately defended the Second Amendment in front of Oregon’s Senate Judiciary Committee, comparing the state’s attempts to pass gun control to moves made by his former government…
…“They put this dog and pony show saying hey, we are going to protect you. No, what they did was enslave a country,” Martinez said. “They destroyed a country the same way that this country is going to be destroyed if we continue in this fashion. This is what you’re selling here!” Martinez said, holding up old communist magazines from Cuba…
The second was from the author of the bill, Democrat Sen. Floyd Prozanski:
…Despite the obvious move towards registration, the bill’s author, Democratic Sen. Floyd Prozanski, claimed no records would be kept past 10 days, calling Starrett a “conspiracist” for not blindly trusting the government’s claims…
A name calling Senator. How ’bout that? Go back to Hocus-Pocus if you want to read about that name calling tactic but first, ask yourself what side of the argument are you on.
It’s time to get off the fence.
This Is A Surprise?
You don’t say?