Notice the Bill was introduced by a republican offering further proof they know as little about the reason for The U.S. Constitution and the Pennsylvania Constitution as the democrats. Otherwise they would remember phrases such as “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
But what is done is done. I’m thinking forward and want to offer a solution to end the wasting of time, energy and money involved in responding to the UNbalanced, out of control reaction to every criminal act involving a firearm the commie/globalist controlled media exploits.
Black on black shootings being always excluded, of course, no matter what the body count is, what with the democrats being the founders of the KKK and all.
What I suggest is, if the many nitpicking rules denying people diagnosed with the slightest degree of post traumatic stress or denying the right to carry to anyone accused by a temporarily hormone deranged female, hey it happens and don’t say it doesn’t; if rules are written that deny citizens their RKBA based on a stress related accusation, then I am suggesting the same rules be applied to those who work to dismantle our Constitutions.
Here’s an example.
T. Christian Heyne, the legislative director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. His mother was killed and his father seriously wounded in a senseless criminal shooting in 2005. His pain and emotional suffering is understandable but should his raging emotional energy be allowed to work against the overall protection of U.S. citizens as stated in the Second Amendment?
Ten years after the criminal shooting that so understandably impacted T. Christian Heyne’s life there is disturbing evidence he has not fully recovered from the ordeal.
Further evidence of where the depth of anger can take a person is demonstrated when Timothy Heyne, T. Christian’s father filed Revolution Calling LLC two years after the crime.
As you see, after two years Revolution Calling LLC was no longer active, indicating that people are capable of starting to regain their emotional balance.
What I propose is, until people affected by tragic events such as surviving victims or the family members of victims or witnesses to such violence show signs of emotional healing, their First Amendment right to free speech regarding the Second Amendment, specifically, be restricted to answering law enforcement investigators or court testimony.
When it comes to the ongoing effort to deny every American the protection of the Constitution because of the emotional distress of a few I say in response, let there be fair and equal treatment for all.
Until the emotionally traumatized by crime can prove they no longer have the will to attack the basis of our nation, the Constitution, their First Amendment right should be withdrawn in the same manner they want to whittle away the Second Amendment right based on, on many occasions, an accusation of a misdemeanor.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.